Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The more I teach 3rd grade...

The more I love it!
I have always fancied myself to be more of a primary kind of girl, loving my K-2 kids and wanting nothing to do with the older grades. But more and more I'm finding that not only do I like the 3rd graders... I get excited when I know I will be with them for a day.

They are able to do so much more! I can give them a task and.... THEY DO IT! I love my first grade babies, but they do not always get it done :/

I know, you may be thinking that it's not too much of a stretch from 2nd to 3rd grade, but really- it is. It is one of the biggest leaps in between grade levels. In 2nd grade you are still coddled a bit, still given a lot of extra chances, and still allowed to not take things so seriously. The first half of the year is a lot more like advanced first grade, where you still get that "little kid" treatment. In third grade, all of that stops. There's no coddling anywhere. You have to suck it up, be a big kid, and make things happen. There are no extra chances. If you leave a question blank on a test, it's wrong where before you would have been allowed to go back and answer the missing question. You don't get that chance anymore. Because now things are serious. The FCAT is coming up and it's do or die. No one will let you answer a blank question on the FCAT.

So, 3rd grade is tough. And not just for the kids. As a teacher the pressure to make sure that all of your students pass the FCAT is immense. If they don't pass it reflects poorly on the school, as well as on you. Not to mention, if a kid doesn't pass- they don't pass 3rd grade. And who wants that on their conscience?

But even though I know all of this, even though I understand the pressures, and even though they aren't quiiiiite as cuddly as 6 year olds, I still like 3rd grade.

And I'd teach it every day, if only someone would let me.... :)

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