Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quotes from 1st grade

You may know that I have been subbing long term in 1st grade and have been saving up some winning quotes for you all. I am SURE you will enjoy. (Names are changed to protect the (less than) innocent.)

Me: Haley, you like to tell people what to do an awful lot. I sure hope you're going to be a teacher.
Haley: I am. Well, actually my husband's going to work, I'll stay home.

Chelsea: I am feeling like a burrito is in my brain. (No, I do not know what that means.)

Johnny: I don't really want to subtract.
Me: There's a lot of things I don't want to do. But we have to do them anyway.
Johnny: No we don't. Just tell us not to. You're the teacher. You can tell the President what to do.

Mandy: I am so excited my Mommy is coming on the field trip!
Me: I am too!
Mandy: No, my mom is coming... You can't bring yours too...

Jenny: I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the retublic, of which it lands, one nation, under God, unbelievable, with liderby and Justine for all. (And no, Jenny will not be going to say the pledge on the morning news tomorrow.)

Me: Kyle, what time does the clock say?
Kyle: I don't know. I can only tell time on the Successmaker clocks.
Me: They are the same as real clocks.
Kyle: No. Successmaker clocks have a minute hand.
Me: So do.. Never mind.

Carlos: Ms. J, I don't know where my pencil is.
Me: I don't either. Why didn't you put it in your desk?
Carlos: Because it's messy! I can never find anything in there!

Haley: Are we making more mother's day crafts?
Me: Not today.
Haley: Good. That lady really got a lot today.

(While we are watching Cara the Sea Turtle)
Heather: Wait- the mom turtle doesn't get to see the baby turtles?
Me: Just watch the movie.
Evan: Maybe she comes back when they hatch.
Me: Keep watching, they'll tell you.
Heather: I don't know who this "intuition" lady is, but she's talking an awful lot.
Evan: The mom never gets to see them?!

Johnny: Why doesn't Melissa talk to me?
Me: Maybe she doesn't like you.
Johnny: Ms. J, that's silly. She likes me.
Me: She does?
Johnny: Does she?
Me: I don't know. She doesn't talk to you...
Johnny: She likes me. Everyone likes me. And she doesn't talk to Alex either and he's the nicest boy here.
Me: Maybe she doesn't like him either.
Johnny: Now you're being ridiculous.

Me: Evan, we need to do your sight words today.
Evan: cat, bat, sat. It's the same every week. I'm surprised I don't know them by now.

Heather: Only one Monday left of school!
Me: No.. there's 5. But you don't have to go to school on one of them.
Heather: What?
Me: It's true, sorry.
Heather: I'm not coming on Mondays anymore. We need longer weekends.

Me: Don't let me forget to do prizes for group points tomorrow.
Molly: The same group wins every time.
Me: Maybe your group should stop talking so much.
Molly: We have a lot to say...

There, in a nutshell, is what I am dealing with every day. Pretty great stuff!