Monday, February 7, 2011

4th Grade Writes!

Looking back on my own personal education, 4th grade stands out as the year that I was really and truly introduced to writing. Today when I was spending the day with some 4th grade darlings I got the opportunity to read some of their writings. WOW. I was in awe of what I read and they were so incredibly proud of themselves as they shared their writing with me.

The writing prompt was a narrative: Imagine you are walking home and find a $100 bill. Think about what you would do with a $100 bill. Write a story about the day you found a $100 bill.

I was so impressed by what they wrote that I want to share some of it here with you. Please note that this is paraphrased to the best of my ability.

"Listen... Do you hear that? It's the sound of all my fans cheering for me. I know you may be surprised at the amount of people that are cheering for me, but I'm not. I'm used to it. Now. "How did you get all these fans?" you might be asking. It's a long story, you see. Let me take you back to the day I found that $100 bill."

I know, you're impressed, right? Here's some more.

"I have this problem. When I tell you what it is, you'll scoff and think, "That's not a problem! If this girl thinks she's got problems she should try living a day in my life!" And I might just take you up on it. Because I do have a problem, and it's a big one. The day I found my $100 bill I exploded with happiness. I couldn't contain my excitement. But that $100 bill started to stink worse than a grandma putting on panty hose faster than cheetah runs a race. If you stick around, I'll tell you all about that fateful day when I found my $100 bill."

I am not sure what a grandma putting on panty hose smells like, but I am definitely going to give her an A for creativity on that. Here's one more.

"What a day! I have been going non-stop! First to the bank, then to the gym, then a quick trip into the grocery store before I began my walk home. I glanced down at my feet and saw something quite surprising. "Why, hello there Mr. Franklin," I said as I bent down and picked up the $100 bill lying beneath my shoes. "I have big plans for you," I said as I slowly turned around and started heading away from home and back out toward the world, where my new friend and I could get into some trouble."

Seriously, they made me want to write a 5 paragraph essay about finding a $100 bill. Heck, I just might do it! Except, I would probably want to steal some of their incredible ideas. And that would not be all that great.... I hope you enjoyed those excerpts as much as I did! I cannot wait to hear how these babes do on their Florida Writes this spring!